Cheesesteak Style Sloppy Joes

Cheesesteak style sloppy joes are packed with flavors reminiscent of a cheesesteak sandwich. Made with ground beef, these quick and easy sloppy joes sandwiches are filled with bell pepper and onion, then topped with melty cheese.

Close up of ground beef, onions, and bell pepper in a sloppy joe sandwich.


Ground beef – I used 85/15 beef, but ground beef can be substituted with ground turkey or ground chicken for a leaner sandwich.
Buns – Your favorite soft sandwich buns work great in this recipe. Some readers have used hoagie rolls instead of buns.

Onion, garlic/garlic powder, & bell pepper – Adds flavor to your sloppy joes. I don’t recommend omitting these ingredients. Optionally, mushrooms could be added for more savory flavor.
Cheese – White American cheese can be substituted with smoked provolone cheese if desired, but white American is my favorite choice. It is rich, creamy, and melts perfectly.
Salt & pepper – Add flavor to the ground beef. Feel free to more to suit your tastes.
Butter – Salted or unsalted butter works in this recipe. Butter could also be substituted with olive oil or excess grease from the cooked ground beef.
Worcestershire sauce – Adds savory flavor to the sloppy joes. I don’t recommend omitting it. Worcestershire sauce could be substituted with soy sauce or steak sauce if needed for allergy reasons.
Beef broth – Broth also adds savory flavor to your sloppy joes and helps create that classic sloppy joe sauce. I don’t recommend omitting it.

Cornstarch – Necessary to thicken the sauce as your sloppy joes cook. Cornstarch could be substituted with flour if needed.

Ingredients on a counter top.


Cooking ground beef, onions, and bell pepper in a saute pan.


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